Friday, September 14, 2012


Im starting to notice that most of the towns I arrive into thrive just on the Camino De Santiago, and the pilgrims that pass through. Without it, these towns would be nothing (most of them at least). Some of them are so small, its just a super market, a couple bars, and a couple of hostels. The smallest one I saw was just a church, and a beat up hostel. Then again, walking 15-20 miles does feel like an im sure commuting to work for these people is nothing. Kinda like some of us do.

I have also noticed how huge of an influence the movie "the way" had on people decision to walk this. I am proud to say I have never seen that movie, nor did I hear about the camino because of it. Although, if people did hear about the camino because of the movie, I think thats awesome they were able to walk it. I have talked to a few people walking it for the second time. They explained that they originally did it for a cheap vacation, or they just like to hike. However, each one of them came out agreeing that it was an unexpected spiritual experience.

While I was sitting at the bar drinking coffee, my Italian friend Ottovio, told me he was listening to 50 cent while he was walking today. He then proceeded to ask me how to P.I.M.P, then asked me what it was. After I got done describing the unofficial, more urban dictionary meaning of pimp...he laughed and said he wanted to go to the US and be like this pimp. I laughed pretty hard while he was telling me all this...

Anyways, todays walk was about 26-28km. I started at about 6:30am! It was by far the coldest morning so far. I was originally going to stop in a small town before this, but everyone I talked to told me how horrible the hostel was. For an extra 3km I could stay in a town with a few more nicer hostels. Hostels by no means are fancy, but many people saying a hostel is bad, means it is BAD. So, the place I am staying at now (in the town 3km down the road) is a little nicer. The first hot shower I have been able to take in a while; so far they have been ice cold or struggling to be even a little warm....Ohh well....Its the camino! Its part of the experience!

I am really starting to appreciate stretching and the "siesta" that I resented my first couple days in Barcelona. Literally all the shops close between 3-5:00pm for siesta! Its crazy! I wish I could take a nap in the middle of my work day! Finally though, I am starting to get used to their schedule! I also make a habit of stopping at a panderia each day; usually to construct my own delicious, american size sandwich. The bread here sure is amazing, and another thing europeans pride themselves in (I was informed of this by a european).

Well....My body is still moving on! another blister on my left foot (something going on with that shoe), but I am still able to walk kind of pain free! There are some people here with 5-15 blisters on each i shouldnt complain too much.

Tomorrow I will be arriving in Burgos! A fairly big city, with some nice places to stay, good food, and a very nice cathedral!

PS: please excuse spelling and grammar....Usually I am rushed....this applies to all future and past! lol! :)

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