Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I wasn't able to post in my blog yesterday...I didn't have access to Internet in St. Jean Pied De Port. I also have a bunch of pictures to upload, but don't have the ability to do it at the moment.

I took a bus from Barcelona to Pamplona, then from Pamplona to St Jean. After meeting a few people, we decided to go to the market and buy some food, which would all split. (I have to get used to this eating smaller meals thing...). That purchase was enough food for dinner and breakfast....a pretty big money saver over here. Besides that, it was good to learn a little bit about each other. Since everyone was pretty tired, we explored the town. St Jean was one of the most beautiful towns I have ever been in. It was small, and felt very authentic. The rolling hills were very green, and the town had a very serene feel to it. it was nice to enjoy, until i just couldn't stay awake anymore...I had to go to bed!

I woke up around 700, ate and talked with a woman I was sitting next to in hour hostels court yard type thing. She was a nun from Sweden, and had chosen a life of travel. She had given up literally everything to travel and meet people. She was definitely one of the most uplifting people I had met today. Once we finished chatting, I took off on my 26km walk...which was one of the most strenuous walks I had done to this day. We crossed the Pyrenees mt´s, which was literally ALL up hill....and European up hill is STRAIT up. Anyways, I have to be quick because I am sharing paid Internet time with a friend. Further along the walk I met a few people. One, I walked with for a few hours. He was a 60 year old man from Vancouver....and man he walked fast! we were a perfect pace for each other, so it was good to talk with him...later on a man from the UK on a bike decided to pedal at our pace for an hour or so. It was so much fun! It is definitely helping me get across my wall of being open with other people....Not often can you have 4 hour conversations with people you just met!

The walk was beautiful....mist, green fields, Forrest's, cows, sheep, rolling green hills, grassy fields.....I was in love with nature!

Rosconvalles(?) is the new town were in!
 There isn't much here at all besides a rather large monastery. Its pretty neat, because it is purely a pilgrim town. Everyone here has one thing in common....Pilgrims...anyways..time for me to go!!!

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