Thursday, September 13, 2012


Finally! I have found the best coffee so far! Since the Italians I meet up with often wont let me drink coffee with milk in the afternoon, I have no choice but to resort to plain black coffee. I think it might equal to .5oz. They say coffee with milk in the afternoon is blasphemy..hah! All this talk about coffee...but the Spanish sure take pride in it! Surprisingly, it was pretty good! Another thing I have had to do with these Italian folk is have "italian breakfast", which I think takes a total of 2 minutes. One croissant and a cup of coffee, and there good till the middle afternoon (complete insanity in my opinion)!. Super Fast! They make fun of me for how much we eat in the morning...gotta love mixing cultures!

The walk today was pretty long, and I managed to get my first blister! Thankfully its in an area where I cant really feel it. As a result, my pace does not change, and it doesnt hurt to walk.

So far Ive loved stopping in all the random churches. Every single one is just the most beautiful buildings I have seen. Especially the inside! What makes it more amazing is how old they are. Sometimes new, sometimes a few hundred years old. The history of every town and building just fascinates me. Not to bag on American history, but I can now justify being bored in all my US history classes. The towns are also very authentic. They are all very condensed, and very green. Very unique to Spain!

The hostel yesterday was great! For once, I had a bedroom, and there were only 2 beds total in each one! I knew my roommate, so it was nice not to have to worry about all my stuff, and I didnt have to hear a choir of snoring pilgrims at 2am.....You would be surprised how little ear plugs can sometimes do.

Anyways, I continue to walk, pray, and of course eat....a ton.

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