Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The walk continues to go well! I am in a town called Carrion. I think I am about half way to Santiago at this point! I still continue to arrive in the small towns, enjoying their simple life style, meeting new people from all over the world, and eating all the food I can find. Originally I was planning on somewhat eating a little bit lighter....but who was I kidding. After a day of walking, all i can think about is food! I literally eat all day! With my appetite, and with all the different kinds of food.. I definitely take full advantage of it. However, I am losing a lot of weight!

I have also been going to mass on a regular basis (when I can find it), and have really been appreciating the pilgrims blessings at the end of each one.

The big cities are a ton of fun! They usually have large cathedrals, which pilgrims get to pay a little less to tour. The last cathedral I visited was the cathedral in Burgos. Built over 500 years ago, it still stands (with some renovation of course).

Anyways, the portion of the walk right now is through flat lands. There isnt to much to see besides straw fields. It is rather boring, and has the reputation for being the biggest mental test for pilgrims. We got pretty used to the mountains, and beautiful land features so far...but now its time for just walking....with nothing really to focus on.

I am also seeing a ton of pilgrims either take the bus to their next location, or have their pack transported to the next hostel! CHEATERS! Since the camino is so packed right now, people are literally racing to the hostels to get the cheapest beds first. Since I like to leave early in the morning, I usually dont have to worry about getting a bed because of how early I arrive.

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