Monday, September 3, 2012

just a quick update!
-I safely made it to Barcelona! However, the airline managed to lose my bag and return it a day and a half later after we landed! As a result we missed our scheduled train to pamplona today, and at this seemed like nothing was working our way. 

-Being tired, hungry, lost/confused, and frustrated, I found my sobriety to really be tested. Good thing there is like talking to your higher power and imagining a conversation with your sponsor...I think i did a pretty good job because I ended up laughing about it, and completely forgetting about it at the time. I was able to get out of my own head for a minute, which was all I needed. 

-Other than that little bump in the road, I was able to enjoy some awesome spanish coffee. I was advised by a friend back home to order, "Cafe' con leche" (coffee with milk)... It ended up being my favorite so far...the coffee was great, and the pastries are even better. 

I was also able to enjoy the Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona...One of the most beautful churches I have seen to this day. With the towers reaching almost 400ft, you could barely capture the whole church with the camera. On top of that, there were stone carvings around the entire church! It Definitely made me proud to be part of a religion with so much culture! Overall, we could enter the church, but the line was 2-4 hours long....We decided we would wait till we get back, so we could dedicate a whole day to it.

Overall, the hostel we are staying at is only 2 weeks old, and has quite a few people our age there. We are enjoying our night, meeting new people....and learning quite a bit about where everyone is from. Definitely worth staying the extra night.

Thank God for the tools i've been given, because I am able to try and spiritualize situations that might not be favorable.

1 comment:

  1. Mike glad to see you madeit there safely.the pictures are amazing. Happy that your enjoying your trip you deserve it.

