Sunday, September 9, 2012

Puenta De La Reina

Okay, im going to redeem my last blog. I was being a little on the lazy side...but hey, ive been trekking all day!

anyways, sometimes its not always possible for me to get internet, so those will be the days I wont be blogging.

Until about thirty seconds ago, it was a beautiful sunny day in Spain! Now, out of nowhere...its stormy. Since were in the middle of monsoon season, i guess this can be expected... Thank God for REI rain jackets!

The past two days have been pretty awesome. The walking has been significantly easier than it was on the first day. For the most part, it has been flat. Only this time the heat is what is getting to us. i dont think anything is above 90 degrees, but carrying that pack and being in the sun really intensifies the climate.

My body is still in overall good condition. Random muscles are pretty sore, but so far no blisters, cuts, bruises, scrapes or anything.

I am really enjoying walking on my own, or in silence. I find walking really puts my mind into a mode of contemplation. Contemplation...just enjoying what I have around me at that very second. I dont find myself being hounded by my worries, problems, character defects, or anything for that matter. I get to just appreciate myself, and learn to be happy with the person I am. The only connection I have during that moment is that with God. The only one that I am learning is truly important for me.

Meeting the random people is pretty cool, but I find that I have little interest in socializing with everyone I see. Dont get me wrong, it is very nice after being by yourself for a while to talk to someone, but for the most part I think I have different motives. Today, God put the people in my life that I needed to talk to. One woman, from denver, who is a united methodist pastor, was who i spent some time with. I met her in Catholic Mass. I really enjoyed everything she had to say about life. She was widowed several years ago, and felt Gods call into service. Her story was a lot like every prophet you read about in the bible. I guess we all have to fight. Talking to her really helped me to look into my own possible call into religious life. It helped me to almost accept it, and really enlightened me. Fighting it seems to be so much wasted energy. Its amazing what happens when its only me and God out there. Literally...I picture myself and God...both with boxing a ring...Ha!

Anyways, I met another man from minnesota. A lawyer, business owner....Just a successful person. He began to talk about his struggles with his father and how he began to overcome them. One thing he said that really stuck out was, "you know Mike, some things are just not meant to be resolved...they are meant to just be absolved". That statement really hit home. We continued on for a little bit, talked about St. Frances, and St Ignatius. Two of my favorite saints. I can relate to both their stories, and could only hope to be the two men they were.

already, I find myself being a little restless. however, instead of directing energy somewhere else, I have no choice but to face the source of restlessness. What a great blessing.

Well, here in the hostel....I paid a whopping 4 Euros! Im in a town called Puenta De La Reina. Small, but very nice. I am really enjoying the stay so far!

Miss all my Friends back home who are taking it one day at a time with me!


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